Q: What is Roblox News Nexus?
A: We are a group that wants to help Roblox players have a better experience with Roblox.

Q: May I join Roblox News Nexus?
A: Sorry, until I make a group for Roblox News Nexus, I won't let anyone join yet.

Q: Who created Roblox News Nexus
A: You will see.

Q: Why did you name it Roblox News Nexus?
A: Well I wanted to give out News and one of the definitions of Nexus is the core center So Roblox News Core Center.

Q: Do you have any social media pages of Roblox News Nexus?
A: Yes. Twitter is @ROBLOXNewsNexus. We don't use Google+ that often though.

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